Monday, February 14, 2011

Last year at this time . . . part 1

I've decided, since I didn't start this blog until Joshua was four months old, I am going to share the story of Joshua's arrival into this world.

The story shall begin on February 15th of 2010. Last year, February 15th was a Monday. The previous Friday was my last day in the office until Joshua came since my due date was the 20th, and I work a half an hour away from home on a good day. I felt better not driving too far close to the due date. I decided that I needed a manicure and pedicure, because, clearly, my toes and fingers should be pretty while the rest of me couldn't be haha. And also, I had been told the old wives tale that getting a pedicure close to your due date could induce labor. My mom was planning to come up later in the week for a couple of days to help me finalize things at home, and keep me company since Jay was still working.

Tuesday (16th) Mom came up... and nothing eventful happened.

Wednesday (17th) was Ash wednesday. So we went to church. Rewind back to the day time, I felt kinda funny, and thought maybe I was "leaking." I was scheduled to have a checkup on the 18th so I called to see if I could switch it, and they did. My mom and I anxiously went to the Dr. hoping she'd say...hooray! go to the hospital and have a baby! But, alas, she did not. Nothing unusual, and I was only dilated a "fingertip." So we went home. Fast forward back to post-church and dinner time. I decided I needed to try fish again (note... I strongly dislike fish of all kinds. Except for tuna.) So we went to the grocery store and got the fixin's to make salmon with... something else. I realized I still did not like salmon.


Thursday (18th)  to be continued in part 2 . . . 


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