Friday, April 8, 2011

Five things I've learned by being a Mom . . . so far

My first actually. Idea from Kat over at Living Like the Kings Go check out her blog and link up! And link up here down below as well!  AND don't forget to find and "like" confessions of a mom on facebook as well! Enjoy!!

1. Patience is a Virtue. this is a big one. If you don't have patience, you will quickly lose your mind during temper tantrums, baby colds, nights with limited sleep . . . or days when your house looks like this.

2. Always appreciate a warm meal. You know, people always said how moms always eat last, if at all, and how you are lucky to A. get to eat while the food is warm, and B. Get to eat slow enough to realize you've eaten or taste your food. It's so true. I always eat last, by the time Joshua, Jay, the dog, and the cat are taken care of. I either don't want to eat what I've made, it's cold, or I'm not even hungry anymore haha.

3. Sometimes you just need to laugh. No matter how bad, or stressful things seem. Or how bad a day we may be having on the baby front, Joshua can always seem to make me laugh and forget about it. Sometimes, when cleaning piles of spaghetti off the floor, or diaper explosions, or washing 98 loads of laundry, it helps to just sit back, look around, and laugh. Because, as they say, this too shall pass (and man, does it go fast!)

4. Sleep is a funny animal. I am one of those people who do not function well on under 7-8 solid hours of sleep. Try telling that to a newborn, infant, or toddler though. I knew, going into this that babies don't always (understatement?) sleep through the night. We still have bad nights over here, though we are lucky because once Joshua started eating more at a time, he pretty much slept through the night without issues. But it's amazing how great 4 hours can feel like 8 after a couple bad nights. Who knew!

5. Plan to never have a set plan, perhaps ever? I don't know... I'll tell you when we get farther in life haha. I feel like anytime I say the words "I will definitely be there" or especially, "I will definitely be there at XX time." It automatically means something is going to happen to either cause me to not be able to go, or at least go on time. On that same note, it takes twice as long to type anything on my computer during Joshua's awake hours as it used to. But with a face like this, how can I feel anything but lucky? 

link up!


Kat said...

These are all really true! It's funny - I am like the most impatient person EVER but when it comes to Peanut, I have endless patience. I have no idea where it comes from because it's so not me.

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