Thursday, March 10, 2011

Going homemade.

I am constantly battling with myself over food. Constantly. I wouldn't say that I am SUPER unhealthy, but I am certainly not the most healthy person I know, by a long-shot.

For awhile though, I've been working out at the gym with an amazing trainer, and going to some of the group classes she attends with a lot of other ladies who are all in to-die-for shape. And I've decided, it's stupid for me to work out so much, if I'm not going to make an honest effort to really take that next step, and make that life change towards healthier eating. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a junk food junkie now or anything, but I do enjoy a nice burger and fries every now and again. But I have a tendency to get lazy. And I'm sure it sounds stupid to some people, but by the time I'm done making food for everyone else in my house, and feeding and tending to the animals, and working, I could care less about what I'm eating. And half of the time, I'll make a great dinner for everyone else, and I'm so sick of looking at it by the time I am done I'd rather not eat, or eat ice cream for dinner, than eat what I've made. Maybe it's because I know if I eat it, that's one more plate I'll need to wash . . . who knows. Whatever the reason, I am stopping it now. Mark my words. From now on, I am going to attempt to make as many homemade snacks and meals as possible (and actually eat them). Probably I will need to plan a day to go to the grocery store, and a day following that to be a baking/prepping day. I am hoping that if I take out the stress, and negativeness of doing all of this on a daily basis, I will be more likely to enjoy it, and stick to the routine. 

I think part of the problem is, My brain hasn't caught up to my current life. It is still in college (which was pretty long ago....sadly), where I walked everywhere, played softball for the college team, and was on my feet so much I hardy had time to eat! Fast forward to now, I sit at a desk at work, play with a one-year-old, my workouts have to work around the rest of my day instead of my day revolving around a workout. I never had to think about food before! 

Another motivation, which I sort of mentioned in an earlier post, is, of course, Joshua. He is growing, and eating more of the things we eat. He learns new things every day and mimics our every move. I want him to grow up with good associations to healthy eating. Have it be a part of who he is, and part of what he wants to eat. And that won't work if I am not doing the same things as he is. Even now, if we are both eating, he wants what is on our plate, not his. He wants to eat if we are eating. I want to be able to share my plate with him and not feel guilty because of what is ON my plate.

So, that said, this is the first new recipe I found that I am going to try. We eat a fair amount of granola bars. So I'm going to make my own. Sounds easy enough, and probably cheaper than the boxed brands . . . I'll update with how they come out once I make it to the grocery store for supplies.

Wish me luck! And, if you see me eating garbage, or wanting to eat garbage, please slap my wrist, or hand me an apple or something. Thanks! :)

(this is from the blog posted in the link above... yummy, right!?)


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