Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pacifiers... for the baby or the parents?

Now, I don't think any parent enjoys listening to their little human crying. So we do many things, from funny faces, to singing horribly, to giving pacifiers to calm them (and us.)

This week, since I am home from work all week, we decided to wean our little human off of his pacifier. He only really used one when he would sleep, or on long car rides anyways before. But among the many things we were told, and the jubilee of advice we were given, we were told by many that getting rid of the pacifier before he turns one is the way to go.

I think part of the reason is because of the fact that babies younger than one don't really remember things once they can't see them anymore, objects anyhow. I've had friends tell me this, and our pediatrician as well so we figured we'd give it a go. 

The first day he cried for awhile before he could settle himself down to sleep. But on the second day he took his naps no problem, and we still have him one with a cut off tip (another thing we were told to try) and he went right to sleep then too.

However, last night, he fell asleep without it, but then woke up a couple hours later screaming and could not settle back down unless he was being held (after hours) we decided to give him the tipless paci for the night time. I know people say to let them "Cry it out" so we have been trying. But Joshua has never been the kind of kid who has been able to calm himself down easily without help so I am trying to figure out how long we are supposed to let him cry, or if he is even really ready to be rid of the pacifier completely. As I write, he his screaming in his crib, refusing to take a nap, even though he is clearly exhausted. As much as I hate to hear him wailing and crying so hard he is coughing . . . part of me thinks, if I let it go, after a couple days, he will have forgotten all about the pacifier and found a new way to comfort himself back to sleep again (I hope)

Once of the things I heard somewhere is that pacifiers are more for the parents than the babies, because babies will eventually find other ways to fall asleep, and sooth themselves. But, there is not much that can sooth a parent when their little one is wailing and there is nothing really wrong, and nothing you can really do to make it better besides giving them that little piece of plastic.

What's a mother to do? I think I am going to be strong and let him cry. He DID fall asleep yesterday without, so I know it's possible. 

What advice do you other parents have with pacifiers? And letting kids cry it out? When did you start letting them wail and not running in to save them at night?

The quiet time between wails is getting longer now, Perhaps he'll be asleep soon . . . time to get some coffee!


Kat said...

So I'm so interested in this and I have NO idea what we'll do when our little one decides to (FINALLY) grace us with her presence. But I'll tell you this that a dentist person told me: sometimes it's better to let them have a pacifier till they're like 2 or something (I forget the age they said) because otherwise they might take to sucking their thumb which you can't take away and I guess that can ruin their teeth? I don't know what I think about this so it's not my advice but I thought I'd pass on what I heard.

Anna P. said...

We didn't want to use one either really, but he was SUCH a screamy little grump for the first month of his life lol it was the ONLY thing that would give us a few minutes of quiet when he wasn't eating or alseep. Worked like a dream though, soon as he had it he'd go right to sleep ever since!

But I think we've done it, he slept ALL night last night without and didn't wake up angry once. So I think cold turkey and patience is the way to go and definitely taking it away before 1 year if possible. I've heard horror stories from people trying to take one away from older toddlers who remember it and ask for it...eek. Glad Joshua's not there yet. :-)

So that's my 2 cents now that I think we've got it away for good :) He may have just been having a bad day yesterday, who knows! Good luck with your little peanut when she arrives with whatever you decide to do in the pacifier realm :-P

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