Tuesday, March 5, 2013

the first trimester- round 2

Today I am at 12 weeks exactly. Which means I only have one week left of the first trimester (yahoo!) I have to say, it has been a really easy first trimester (knock-on-wood not over yet!)

When I was pregnant with Joshua, I felt like I had a hangover for 3 months basically. I never got sick, but had no appetite, and wanted nothing but slushies and fruit snacks. This time around it's a whole other game. I had a few bouts of nausea, but nothing bad. Mostly I've just been tired. Tired, and hungry. all. the. time. I don't think I'm supposed to be this hungry this early on, but I am! Really, I am not nauseous when I'm hungry, which can come on in an instant. One second I'm totally fine, and the next I'm ravenous and need to eat instantly or whoever is closest in proximity to me may get a limb chewed on.

Of course, this week I end up catching the family/office cold. Which it seems everyone in my office also has. Colds are really great when there is nothing you can do to feel better other than rest... which is what exactly? I think the last time I rested was before Joshua existed! So I'll just drink water and tea and hope it moves quickly.

On a Joshua note, he had his three-year checkup today. He is a whopping 3 feet tall, and 31.8lbs. He's in the 50th percentile for weight and has dropped down to the 20th for height. I was told it's normal to see a drop at this age because this is when they switch from measuring kids laying down to measuring standing up, and standing is more accurate. We'll see if he is going to catch up next time, or if he's destined to have short Godard family genes like the rest of my family! He did such a good job at his checkup, the only time he made a peep was when they pricked his arm to draw blood.

I really can't believe how fast this pregnancy is already going, and how fast Joshua is growing up, I mean really? How is it possible that he is already 3?!

I think that's all for now. Sorry I can't form a cohesive strain of thought tonight. Must be pregnancy brain? Mom brain? A combination... which just can't be good for anyone!


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