Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Snoopy makes it all better.

Joshua had his six month shots and physical today (Even though he's about two weeks from being six months old, the timing for the shots worked out to go early) He is now weighing in at 18lbs and 6 oz. (I was sure he was going to be at least 20lbs!) And he grew  A LOT, he is not 27.5 inches long (note, at his 4 month he was 24.5 inches) He is now in the 80th percentile (I think) for height and average for weight and head circumference.

We learned that it's not time to wean him off of his pacifier, while he is too young to realize he misses it. We were told to only use a pacifier at bed time and that's it. He can amuse himself pretty well now though, so I am pretty sure it won't be too bad for him during the day. His doctor also told me to feed him until he is not hungry anymore when he is eating his solids. I'm not sure she's met him. He'll be eating all day! haha. 

Now that he likes to roll onto his belly when he falls asleep at night I asked about that, with sids and all. I was told we are doing the right thing by flipping him back onto his back when he falls asleep. She said to keep doing this until he can easily roll back from his belly to his back, because then he will do what he wants anyways. And this may be part of his trouble sleeping lately, I guess, I was told he may get upset when he wakes up at night and isn't in the same position as he fell asleep. So now, I can't wait until he can roll from his belly to his back all the time on his own!

So I think that's all. he was not a fan of the last two shots he got, he got three in total, and the first didn't seem to phase him at all, but those second two, oh boy... Once he realized what was happening to him, he wasn't a fan. But he got some trendy snoopy band-aids for his boo-boos so all is well now. Till next time!

He was in surprisingly good spirits when we got home

Even though he got 3 shots (awweeee)

But snoopy made it alllll better!


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